Best Bets

Cutaneous Fields of Peripheral Nerves

Welcome! was first published in 1994. The original site contained an index of neuroscience resources available on the Internet including neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases. Given the explosive growth and constantly changing nature of the Web, it is no longer possible to maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date list of such resources manually. Google does a wonderful job!

Comprehensive can sometimes be too much. This site is being redesigned from the ground up to serve two purposes:

  1. List the best neuroscience resources on the Web in one location.
  2. Present original neuroscience content not available elsewhere.

The first two offerings are the Best Bets listing, which will be updated as needed, and a graphical demonstration of the cutaneous fields of peripheral nerves.

Stay tuned! There is more to come...


Neurosciences on the Internet <> is edited and maintained by
Neil A. Busis, M.D. ( He is a practicing neurologist and the Practice and Technology Editor of the American Academy of Neurology Web site.

Copyright © 1994-2009 by Neil A. Busis, M.D. All rights reserved.

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